
Rethinking encounters

International Conference and Churburg Economic Talks 2.0

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Italiano
  • Date: 21-22.10.2022, Day 1: 15.00 – 17.00 CET | Day 2: 10.00 – 16.00 CET
  • Place: Auditorium Eurac Research & Vintschger Museum VUSEUM, Schluderns/Sluderno
  • Typology: Conference & Churburg Economic Talks 2.0
© Eurac Research | Oscar Diodoro

Encounters make us human. They enable us to build relationships and to solve social problems through cooperation. Meeting another human being can imply many things: exchanging opinions, driving innovation, trading, building new friendships. Encounters are possible not only between people, but also between people and nature, and between different cultures or scientific disciplines. All these moments of encounter are a symbol of constructiveness, and they allow us to cross boundaries, get in touch with something (apparently) unknown, promote sensitivity, reflect on what exists and create something new. Our times are characterized by armed conflicts, individualism, political polarisation, increasing competition, loss of trust and growing inequalities. Trusting each other and working on common perspectives for a better future is thus more necessary than ever and only through encounters can empathy and a sense of community emerge. Encounter is therefore not only crucial for personal growth and well-being, but also for the further development of entire societies and regions.

What do social geography, economics, sociology, or history teach us about the importance of encounter? How can spaces, which invite constructive and productive encounter, be created? How can encounter contribute to the development of more resilient communities, social transformation and justice, more inclusive political discourse, a more innovative economy, and a more sustainable human-nature relationship? These questions will be discussed in the conference “Rethinking encounters”.

Day 1 | Rethinking encounters - Focus on global developments

Auditorium Eurac Research | Bolzano/Bozen

Global tensions, political polarisation, and a world economy increasingly under pressure have direct effects at the local level, even if they are not always evident at first glance. On this first day of the conference, we will discuss the extent to which a new culture of encounter can and must be created globally and locally to balance these negative trends.

Languages: German, English, Italian (simultaneous translation)

Opening of the event
Roland Psenner, Präsident, Eurac Research

Giulia Isetti, Senior Researcher, Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research

On the promise of encounter
Helen F. Wilson, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, Durham University

Die Transformation der Begegnungskultur - Ökonomische Aspekte
Klaus-Heiner Röhl, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln e.V. (IW), Hauptstadtbüro Berlin

Panel discussion: Participation and dialogue culture in South Tyrol
Cristina Masera, segretaria generale della CGIL/AGB
Maria E. Rieder, Landtagsabgeordnete, Fraktion Team K
Andreas Schatzer, Präsident des Südtiroler Gemeindenverbandes

Moderation: Ingrid Kofler, Free University of Bolzano

Closing of the event

Day 2 | Churburger Wirtschaftsgespräche 2.0 - Encounters in border regions

Vintschger Museum/Museum della Val Venosta - VUSEUM | Sluderno/Schluderns

The opportunities but also the challenges for rural regions, especially in border areas, are obvious: cross-regional and cross-border political and cultural work, migration and brain drain, future-oriented economic, territorial and destination development. Is there a need for new spaces of interaction? Which kind of encounters should be strengthened to bring benefit to rural areas? These and similar questions are the focus of this year's Churburg Economic Talks 2.0.

Languages: German, Italian (no simultaneous translation provided)

Welcome and opening of the event
Heiko Hauser, Bürgermeister der Gemeinde Schluderns

Harald Pechlaner, Leiter des Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research
Hannes Götsch, Sozialunternehmer, Projektentwickler, Gründer BASIS Vinschgau Venosta
Armin Bernhard, Vorstandsmitglied der da Bürger*Genossenschaft Vinschgau

Regionale Entwicklung und Regionalpolitik in der EU
Klaus-Heiner Röhl, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln e.V. (IW), Hauptstadtbüro Berlin

Il multiculturalismo: una risorsa per la sostenibilità sociale?
Elisa Piras, Senior Researcher, Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research

Von marktfähig zu weltfähig – was Innovation in Zukunft braucht
Jana Ganzmann, Co-Founder und Geschäftsführerin Impact Hub Tirol

Moderated discussion
Harald Pechlaner, Klaus-Heiner Röhl, Jana Ganzmann, Elisa Piras

Lunch break

3x15 (Impulses from the region)
Begegnungen in der Grenzregion: Leben und Arbeiten im Dreiländer-Eck, Kurt Gritsch, freischaffender Historiker
Euregio Connect: Ideen verbinden, Luca Marrollo, Geschäftsführer des Euregio Connect
Handwerk auf der Walz, Johannes Abart, Schleis bei Mals, Handwerker mit vierjähriger Erfahrung auf der Walz

Reflection in small groups

Coffee break

Plenary discussion

Closing of the event

Registration and Info

Participation is free of charge. Registration is required using the following link: https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/Y26K3RL

The conference in Bolzano will be held in the Eurac Research auditorium. The Churburg Economic Talks 2.0 will take place in the Vintschger Museum VUSEUM, Schluderns/Sluderno.


Eurac Research
Center for Advanced Studies
Drususallee 1 / Viale Druso 1
39100 Bozen / Bolzano
T +39 0471 055 801

BASIS Vinschgau Venosta
Drusus-Kaserne / Caserma Druso
Kortscher Straße 97 / Via Corzes 97
39028 Schlanders / Silandro
T +39 333 9754800

da Bürger*Genossenschaft
General-Ignaz-Verdroß-Straße 17
Via General-Ignaz-Verdroß 17
39024 Mals im Vinschgau / Malles Venosta
T +39 340 5468830

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